Congratulations – You Have Pre-Approved Membership
The United Empire Club originally founded in 1904, today continues to seeks to encourage noble gentlemen and gentlewomen – especially those of good backgrounds into chivalric behaviour and, with an increased understanding of their role, to be global ambassadors of honour.
We have been able to secure you a Pre-Approved Membership. You can learn more about The United Empire Club, and the benefits of membership for yourself and others on the website here
United Empire Club’s Mission Statement
“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us ‘universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” – Albert Einstein
The United Empire Club widens “our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures” by raising money for Charity, which enriches and promotes humanity into a better place. Join us as we create a better part of the whole. It aims to keep alive the fundamental principles of Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen’s conduct worldwide, promoting freedom, justice, true democracy and real human rights.
Introduced By Existing Member
- Entrance Fee: £NO FEE (entrance fee waived for those introduced by an existing member)
- Membership Fee: £144 p.a. (£144 = $230 = €158)
- Your Special Pre-Approved Reference Code: ET001
Members join to pay it forward, and The Club is run as a non-profit by members and volunteers. We have been able to create some benefits that members in good standing can take advantage of.
You can learn more here =>
Meetings and Events
- Invitations to selected meetings, lectures and conferences that allow members to keep abreast of key issues in current affairs and business
- Regular business and social networking events and fund raising events for charity.
- A social calendar of popular music, sporting and other organised events.
Your Personalised Membership Card
Some members like to carry a personalised membership card.
Members Efficiency and Organisation
We have proprietary software and relationships at discounted rates including:
- London Mail Boxes (From just £10 per month) (Lord ____ , … , London, UK)
- Email Accounts – e.g. receive a personalised email accounts which you can use anywhere in the world. e.g. [email protected]
Please Note:
Membership Entitlement is open to all. Including honourable men and women from historical families worldwide, Landed Gentry, Nobility or Titled Members. For clarification, membership really is open to all with good character.
- Gentlemen and Ladies of Good Character
- Gentlemen and Ladies of Historic Families
- Lords and Ladies of The Manor
- Barons and Baronesses
- Counts and Countesses
- Marquis and Marchionesses
- Dukes and Duchesses
- Princes and Princesses
- Kings and Queens
Take Advantage and join The United Empire Club Today
Can you imagine mingling for business or social reasons with business successes, celebrities, politicians, nobility and even royalty? All this can be possible through membership of the United Empire Club.
We look forward to welcoming you as a member today. Click the subscribe button below now.